Correfoc: Dancing in the Fire!


The most magical/scary part of the festivities in Spain is the Correfoc or fire parade. If it’s your first time in Barcelona, you are guaranteed to be completely unaware of what is going to take place and stroll up to the parade in your summer gear, expecting nice costumes and some music. Well there are costumes and music but more than that, there is fire. And lots of it. Being sprayed at the crowd, while happy locals jump and dance around in the fire.


This year I came well equipped for the daemons and dragons with a winter hoodie, long pants and a strong desire to dance in the fire. And it was amazing! This was a much much smaller parade then we are going to see in La Mèrce at the end of September. I jumped and danced with my friend Jim and tried to get into every last bit of fire. I even got a high-five from a dude I danced around with for being one of the few crazy girls to jump into the action. I kind of wish I was a local and the one hold the fire. What a change from last year!

Jim and I even got some of the first years into the action and encouraged them to dive in for a short dance. They seemed terrified but willing. This is going to be another great year!

Dragon is coming
Dragon is coming
Fire breathing dragon
Fire breathing dragon
Yup that is being sprayed at the crowd
Yup that is being sprayed at the crowd
And people dance around in it...including myself
And people dance around in it…including myself
Some drummers as well
Some drummers as well

The best part of the festivities, especially this last day, is that many of my friends who had gone away for internships are on their way back to Barcelona, even if just for short trip. I woke up this morning with a killer hangover, but a brilliant smile on my face. This is life in Barcelona! If you ever get the chance to dance in the fire I hope you do!

Festes de Gràcia and My Barnaversary!

Look closely, flowers made from umbrellas with colanders and tea cups
Look closely, flowers made from umbrellas with colanders and tea cups

I can’t believe that one year ago on August 17th I arrived in Barcelona! Time has flown by so quickly and I again get to enjoy the amazing Festa Major de Gràcia! Some of the decorations on the street are truly spectacular. This was one of my favorite street. Some of the designs are from found object, some recycled, and turned into amazing art work.

Plaça Vila de Gràcia or a Candy shop!
Plaça Vila de Gràcia or a Candy shop!
Candy braceletes!
Candy bracelets!

There was even a group of children and teen Castellers in the plaza around the corner from my apartment. I’m looking forward to seeing more as the festivities continue.

Really nicely made Dragon. It was literally made over night, I saw the progress.
Really nicely made Dragon. It was literally made over night, I saw the progress.
Angry birds. Not the most exciting street.
Angry birds. Not the most exciting street.
T-Rex! So well made!
T-Rex! So well made!
More of the candy shop
More of the candy shop
Very realistic cotton candy
Very realistic cotton candy
Hot air ballon street, my second favorite
Hot air ballon street, my second favorite
Amb paciencía
Amb paciencía
Thimble and buttons made out of tobacco cans
Thimble and buttons made out of tobacco cans
Nice use of a terrace
Nice use of a terrace

Spaniards do know how to throw a mean party! I’m most looking forward to the fire parade or Correfoc on Wednesday night. Let the party continue!

Upcoming Travels!

Lisbon source:

I’m super excited about next month (September) because I have a series of wonderful travels planed, back-to-back. After two and a half months working hard in intensive classes and at my internship with Mammoth Hunters, I’m ready for a nice long break before getting back into the swing of things with the MBA. I’m taking full advantage of my time in Europe by going as many places I haven’t been, but I’ll also be revisiting a few locations to stay with local friends. Nothing better than traveling and having a free place to stay!

The travels will go like this:

Valencia (1 day) -> Lisbon (5 days) -> Barcelona (1 day) -> London (3 days) -> Barcelona (A few hours) -> Athens (1 day) -> Mykonos (2 days) -> Santorini (1 day) -> Athens (2 days) -> Croatia (TBD) -> Barcelona (Home Sweet Home)

I’ve been to London and Lisbon before but have friends in both and London will be a stop over for an endurance race. The Nike Run to the Beat Half Marathon! It’s going to be quite an intense month with lots of great adventures. I’m ready to get it started, but first the best time in year in Gràcia, the Festa Major de Gràcia. I’m excited for the festivities to begin tomorrow! 

September Travels
September Travels